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Izvorni jezik
Danski hej. håber vi kan være sammen for evigt.

håber vi kan være sammen for evigt.

Dovršeni prijevodi
Turski Selam
43Izvorni jezik
Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".43
Engleski Do you know what it feels like loving someone...
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away?
Do you know what it feels like loving someone without being loved?
Hope you will never know that feeling...
'cause the heart is bleeding and it hurts...

Dovršeni prijevodi
Turski Senden kurtulmak için
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Turski merak etme abijim...donusum muhtesem olcaak
merak etme abicim...donusum muhtesem olacak

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski don't worry my brother
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Turski Hayata okadar cook yanlisliklar oluyorki varsin...
Hayata okadar cook yanlisliklar oluyorki varsin birde benmki olsun

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski So many mistakes happen in life
Bugarski За грешките...
Izvorni jezik
Turski 1.arazi tahsisi ve projelendirme onay masrafları...
arazi tahsisi ve projelendirme onay masrafları

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski land allocation
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Turski Bu ayrılık daha ne kadar sürücek kanka
Bu ayrılık daha ne kadar sürücek kanka

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski How much longer will this separation last buddy?
10Izvorni jezik10
Turski Seninle arkadaş olmak çok güzel. Dünyanın en...
Seninle arkadaş olmak çok güzel. Dünyanın en güzel bayanı benim arkadaşım. Mutluluk verici. Senin gibi mükemmel birinden ayrılan erkeğin aklından şüphe ederim. Benim için söylediklerin çok hoş. Öyle güzel ve öyle harika görünüyorsun ki. Fotolarına bakmakla geçiyor zamanım.

Günün birinde seninle tekrar yüzyüze görüşmek tek hayalim. Dedimya bunun için günün birinde oraya bile gelebilirim.

Sen üzülürsen bende üzülürüm. Çünkü sana çok değer veriyorum.Ve sana hayranlığımı gizleyemiyorum.

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski It is very nice to
Bugarski Seninle arkadaş olmak çok güzel. Dünyanın en...
Arapski إنه لمن الجميل جداً أن أكون صديقاً لكِ
Izvorni jezik
Turski Bizi aldatan bizden degildir.
Bizi aldatan bizden degildir.

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski The one who deceives us
Izvorni jezik
Turski intikamım için küllerimle yeniden doğdum
intikamım için küllerimle yeniden doğdum

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski I was born from my ashes
Izvorni jezik
Turski seni gercekten seviyorum...bizim sonumuz ne...
seni gercekten seviyorum...bizim sonumuz ne olacak..benımle ciddi düşünüyorsan,ben sonuna kadar varım senınle
kız arkadasıma

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski I really love you
Izvorni jezik
Turski cunki cok guzelsin
cunki cok guzelsin

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski because you are
Projekt - Turkish Christian News Paper Izvorni jezik
Engleski A powerful earthquake has killed more than 330...
A powerful earthquake has killed more than 330 people in Peru, the nation's civil defense agency reported early on Thursday.

The massive earthquake hit Peru on Wednesday evening killing scores of people as many homes and a church collapsed.

Peru's health minister initially said few died in the 7.9-magnitude quake, but the toll later rose to more than 330, the nation's civil defense agency said. Hundreds were injured.

"Unfortunately we have official numbers," Luis Palomino, the head of the agency, told Reuters. On its web site, the agency said 337 people died and 827 were injured.

Emergency workers said the coastal province of Ica south of Lima was the hardest hit region.

One fire department official in the area said at least four people were trapped when the main tower of the Senor de Luren church in the city of Ica was toppled.

Rescuers struggled to move south toward Ica as portions of the Pan-American Highway, an key coastal route, were impassable and thieves assaulted stranded travelers, radio reports said.

"I was with my children when the movement started and then the walls collapsed. My house was destroyed," Milagros Meneses, 35, told Reuters in the city of Canete south of the capital, Lima. "The hospital gave me a tent for my kids to sleep in."

At least two people were killed in Canete.

Office workers ran onto the streets in fear as tall buildings in Lima shook in two waves that lasted around 20 seconds each and cut power lines.

A tsunami warning was issued for Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia and a small tsunami was detected. But it posed no major threat and the warning was later lifted.
this is article for newspaper

Translators, please respect the shape of the original text (fonts and paragraphs) Thanks a lot.

Dovršeni prijevodi
Turski Peru ulusal sivil savunma ajansının
Izvorni jezik
Engleski The stock achieves this superior risk-adjusted...
The stock achieves this superior risk-adjusted rate of return because at some point in time the market undervalued it compared to other stocks.

Dovršeni prijevodi
Turski Hisse senedi bu en yüksek riske
Izvorni jezik
Engleski Why You Shouldn't Skip Breakfast
Out of the three meals a day, breakfast is considered the most important, but is also the most frequently missed.

So why are people missing this important meal? Here are some of the reasons why we shouldn't skip this 'most important' meal of the day...

1) Breakfast is supposed to “break the fast.” After 8 to 12 hours of sleep, your blood sugar levels will be low and your brain and muscles tired. Waking up is hard to do at the best of times, but it’s even harder to keep going if you don't refuel. The body needs a meal to produce the sugar necessary to get you going each day.

2) A balanced breakfast should provide about a quarter of your daily needs for essential nutrients. When breakfast is skipped, the missing nutrients -- particularly iron, calcium and fibre - are not made up in subsequent meals and snacks. So a regular breakfast can help ensure that you meet daily requirements and have a better nutrition profile over the rest of the day.

3) Breakfast helps to regulate your appetite throughout the day. It also jumpstarts your metabolism, which slows down overnight. So missing breakfast to reduce calorie intake is definitely not the answer for weight loss. Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food at the next meal or nibble on high-calorie snacks to curb hunger. Their diets tend to be higher in overall calories and fat than those who enjoy a morning meal. Moreover, dieters who have breakfast tend to be more successful at shedding pounds.

4) A wake-up meal can help you perform better in school, at work or at play by keeping you more alert, improving your ability to concentrate and retain information. When it comes to children, breakfast actually helps them learn better. Kids who skip breakfast have trouble focusing and tend to be inattentive, restless and irritable by late morning. Those who eat breakfast have been found to have better test scores and lower rates of absenteeism.

5) Eating behaviors developed during childhood can last a lifetime. If you never had breakfast as a child, it is likely that you are one of the 30 percent of adults who still skip breakfast... and your children could be doing the same thing.

The incidence of childhood obesity is rising; the percentage of overweight children tripling since the 1960's. Teaching kids to eat a healthy breakfast is one way to help reduce these concerning statistics.

Dovršeni prijevodi
Turski Günün üç öğünü içinde
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Turski ag zalim
ah zalim gurbet sen vursan ne olacak. Benim 1 tane dostum yok ki tüketesin!!!
This was edited (by bonjurkes) from this original:

ag zalim gurbet sen vursan ne olacak benim 1 tane doz-stum yakki tüketesin!!!

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski Oh cruel homesickness
Nizozemski Oh wrede heimwee
Francuski Ô cruel mal du pays
Izvorni jezik
Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Češki Ahoj..
Ahoj....tak co jak se mas?Skoda ze vubec nevim co si mi psala,turecky neumim a ani nikoho neznam kdo by umel....ty asi cesky neumism vid?mej se hezky ahoj

Dovršeni prijevodi
Engleski Hi!
Turski Selam!
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